Mats Fägerhag has, as of February 2024, been appointed board member of SystemWeaver and Chairman of the Board in Aliaro.

“While focusing on different parts of the value chain, SystemWeaver and Aliaro have both created unique and high-value offerings to improve control and efficiency for the global automotive industry’s product development practices. They both come with impressive track records and with a strong owner in Viltor”, says Mats Fägerhag.

Mats have over 35 years of experience from research and development in the automotive industry and has for the past 10 years played a key role in the development and global expansion of Geely as CEO for China-Euro Vehicle Technology (CEVT). Prior to CEVT, Mats held leading positions in Volvo Cars, Saab Automobile and General Motors Europe.

“Mats has the perfect combination of skills to support SystemWeaver and Aliaro on their continued growth journeys while also bringing unique experiences of doing so while building innovation and culture-driven organizations. There are few people in Sweden with similar profiles where Mats knowhow of the ins and outs of the global automotive industry is the perfect complement to our existing boards”, says Erik Forslund, CEO of Viltor.